Saturday, September 8, 2012

A prototype girlfriend!

Hi, long time no post on blogger since I'm studying hard for upcoming exams. So I'm planning to get a permanent partner after exam, since I failed to get other girls at past times....My girlfriend is now a prototype because just like the P3-21A, Proton Preve before it's released to the public. So, my prototype girlfriend code number is: BS-I2-TB.

Why is it BS-I2-TB? Because it has 3 meaning: Beautiful, Intelligent and talented. The other 3 is translated into German since I think of this code in my german class -_-"
                                                          A receipt for ordering BS-I2-TB
Actually, BS means Beautiful and S means for schön in German. I2 means Intelligent and its still Intelligent in German. And finally, TB. T means Talented and begabt in German. But the letter B is also her name....

I ordered this prototype from and it should arrive the day after exam and I paid deposit, which is study harder....Wait the website is not real since it is my imagination :p But study hard and get good marks is what I wanted.

Ok here's some info of her condition, she comes from a show-off mother, which is my future mom-in-law. Mom-in-law is a kind like you know, aunty style that likes to gossip, show off everywhere, bla bla bla.....She always want the prototype to get number x in class, without marks below 90 or B. And sending her to art class, piano etc.

What I know that she's a little bit fat. So I wanted to make her diet by everyday go gym workout, if only I have that kind of money. Of course not using parents money! Use own hardwork money to treat girlfriend of course!

                                                                     Scribbling some love letters in Damai Beach, Kuching

Well, not much to say as this is prototype. My conclusion is if I get this prototype, I promise to God that I'll take care of her forever. Lord protect our Love Umbrella! Amen!

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